
Mouse TNF-a ELISA Kit检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附法)


  • 分子靶点:TNF, TNFA, TNFSF2
  • 种属:小鼠 (Mouse)
  • 样本类型:血清,血浆,细胞培养上清及其他生物学样本
  • 检测样本体积:20 μL
  • 灵敏度:0.99 pg/mL
  • 检测范围:10.938 pg/mL - 700 pg/mL
  • 回收率:81% - 119%

在售SKU:70-EK282-48, 70-EK282-96

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背景介绍 肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)也称为恶病质素和TNFSF1A,是一种脂肪因子,参与全身的炎症,同时也是刺激急性期反应的细胞因子之一。它主要由活化的巨噬细胞产生,也可由其它类型的细胞分泌,如CD4+淋巴细胞、NK细胞、中性粒细胞、肥大细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和神经元等。它在免疫应答中具有多种调节功能,还可作为潜在的热原。TNF-α对刺激物(感染因子或组织受损)产生应答后,在全身循环,激活中性粒细胞,改变血管内皮细胞的特性,调控其它组织的代谢活性,以及通过诱导局部凝血作用展现肿瘤杀伤活性。TNF-α在关节组织和其它组织发生炎症的发病机制具有重要作用。最近,越来越多的信息表明TNF-α也参与了AIDS的发病机制。TNF-α的测定对于移植研究也非常有用。
检测原理 本试剂盒采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附检测技术。特异性抗小鼠TNF-α抗体预包被在高亲和力的酶标板上。酶标板孔中加入标准品、待测样本和生物素化的检测抗体,经过孵育,样本中存在的TNF-α与固相抗体和检测抗体结合。洗涤去除未结合的物质后,加入辣根过氧化物酶标记的链霉亲和素(Streptavidin-HRP)。洗涤后,加入显色底物TMB,避光显色。颜色反应的深浅与样本中TNF-α的浓度成正比。加入终止液终止反应,在450 nm波长(参考波长570 - 630 nm)测定吸光度值。
组分 包被抗TNF-α单克隆抗体的96孔聚苯乙烯酶标板
分析类型 夹心ELISA
样本类型 血清、血浆,细胞培养上清及其他生物学样本
板式 96孔板,可拆
保存 试剂盒未拆开,4℃保存。已拆开,标准品-20℃保存,其它4℃保存。
运输条件 4℃蓝冰运输
样本体积 20 μl
灵敏度 0.99 pg/ml
标准曲线范围 10.938 - 700 pg/ml
回收率范围 81 %-119 %
平均回收率 1.01
板间变异系数 3.8 % - 5.1 %
板内变异系数 3.1 % - 4.5 %


概述小鼠 TNF, TNFA, TNFSF2 靶点信息

TNF 分子靶点信息概述

  • 分子名:TNF, tumor necrosis factor
  • 基因家族:Tumor necrosis factor superfamily
  • 别名:TNFSF2; DIF; TNF-alpha
  • 曾用名:TNFA
  • 全称:TNF superfamily, member 2; tumor necrosis factor (TNF superfamily, member 2)

TNF 分子靶点综述

TNF-α 为单核细胞、巨噬细胞、中性粒细胞、NK 细胞和 CD4+T 细胞产生的 17 kDa 细胞因子。它在免疫应答中具有多种调节功能,还可作为潜在的热原。TNF-α对刺激物(感染因子或组织受损)产生应答后,在全身循环,激活中性粒细胞,改变血管内皮细胞的特性,调控其它组织的代谢活性,以及通过诱导局部凝血作用展现肿瘤杀伤活性。TNF-α 在关节组织和其它组织发生炎症的发病机制具有重要作用。

小鼠 Mouse Tnf 分子靶点信息

小鼠 Mouse Tnf 靶点分子功能(预测)

Enables cytokine activity; protease binding activity; and tumor necrosis factor receptor binding activity. Involved in several processes, including endothelial cell apoptotic process; positive regulation of cell communication; and positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process. Acts upstream of or within several processes, including apoptotic signaling pathway; positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction; and regulation of gene expression. Located in several cellular components, including external side of plasma membrane; phagocytic cup; and recycling endosome. Is expressed in several structures, including alimentary system; brain; integumental system; lung; and reproductive system. Used to study several diseases, including autoimmune disease (multiple); congestive heart failure; heart valve disease (multiple); idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; and spondyloarthropathy. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in several diseases, including artery disease (multiple); autoimmune disease (multiple); eye disease (multiple); lung disease (multiple); and skin disease (multiple). Orthologous to human TNF (tumor necrosis factor).



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  8. 细胞培养上清 血清

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  10. 血清

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  14. 组织匀浆 结肠

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  15. 血清

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  16. 支气管肺泡灌洗液 BALF 细胞培养上清 血清

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  17. 血清

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  18. 组织匀浆 肿瘤

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  21. RAW 264.7 细胞培养上清

    A Network Pharmacology-Based Investigation to the Pharmacodynamic Material Basis and Mechanisms of the Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Viral Effect of Isatis Indigotica 

  22. 血清

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  23. 细胞培养上清

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  24. 组织匀浆

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  26. 血清

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  27. 细胞培养上清

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  28. 血清

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  29. 组织匀浆

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  30. 细胞培养上清

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  31. 组织培养上清

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  33. 支气管肺泡灌洗液 BALF 血清

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  34. 全血 组织匀浆 肿瘤 脾脏

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  35. 组织匀浆 细胞培养上清

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  37. 组织匀浆

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  38. 细胞培养上清

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  39. 细胞培养上清

    Macrophage activation by exopolysaccharides from Streptococcus thermophilus fermented milk through TLRs-mediated NF-κB and MAPK pathways 

  40. 血清

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  41. RAW 264.7 细胞培养上清

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  44. 血清

    Immunosuppressive activity is attenuated by Astragalus polysaccharides through remodeling the gut microenvironment in melanoma mice 

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  47. 细胞培养上清

    Overcoming resistance to oncolytic virus M1 by targeting PI3K-γ in tumor-associated myeloid cells 

  48. RAW 264.7 细胞培养上清

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  49. 细胞培养上清

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  52. 血清

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  53. 血清

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  54. 细胞培养上清

    Neutrophil membrane-coated therapeutic liposomes for targeted treatment in acute lung injury 

  55. 细胞培养上清

    An Integration of Network Pharmacology and Experimental Verification to Investigate the Mechanism of Guizhi to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome 

  56. Tigit Negatively Regulates Inflammation by Altering Macrophage Phenotype 

  57. Mir-30a Positively Regulates the Inflammatory Response of Microglia in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis 

  58. Erythrocyte Membrane-Enveloped Polymeric Nanoparticles as Nanovaccine for Induction of Antitumor Immunity against Melanoma 

  59. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Cajaninstilbene Acid and Its Derivatives 

  60. Schisantherin a Alleviated Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury by the Regulation of Alcohol Metabolism and Nf-Kb Pathway 

  61. RAW 264.7

    Anti-Inflammatory Effect of the Six Compounds Isolated from Nauclea Officinalis Pierrc Ex Pitard, and Molecular Mechanism of Strictosamide Via Suppressing the Nf-Κb and Mapk Signaling Pathway in Lps-Induced Raw 264.7 Macrophages 

  62. The B-Raf(V600e) Inhibitor Dabrafenib Selectively Inhibits Rip3 and Alleviates Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury 

  63. Genetic Elimination of Nrf2 Aggravates Secondary Complications except for Vasospasm after Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice 

  64. RAW 264.7

    Curcumin Ameliorates Asthmatic Airway Inflammation by Activating Nuclear Factor-E2-Related Factor 2/Haem Oxygenase (Ho)-1 Signalling Pathway 

  65. Heparin Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammation Via Inducing Caveolin-1 and Activating the P38/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway in Murine Peritoneal Macrophages 

  66. Inflammasome-Independent Role of Nlrp12 in Suppressing Colonic Inflammation Regulated by Blimp-1 

  67. RAW 264.7

    Antimicrobial Peptide Cathelicidin-Bf Prevents Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Endotoxemia 

  68. RAW 264.7

    Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Rosa Rugosa Flower Extract in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Raw264.7 Macrophages 

  69. Design, Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Evaluation of Novel 5-Benzylidene-3,4-Dihalo-Furan-2-One Derivatives 

  70. Enhanced Antitumor Activity of Gemcitabine by Polysaccharide-Induced Nk Cell Activation and Immune Cytotoxicity Reduction in Vitro/Vivo 

  71. The Mechanism of Hepatoprotective Effect of Sesquiterpene Rich Fraction from Cichorum Glandulosum Boiss. Et Huet on Immune Reaction-Induced Liver Injury in Mice 

  72. Hmgb1-Tlr4-Il23-Il17a Axis Promotes Paraquat-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Mediating Neutrophil Infiltration in Mice 

  73. Comparative Studies of Macrophage-Biased Responses in Mice to Infection with Toxoplasma Gondii Toxodb #9 Strains of Different Virulence Isolated from China 

  74. RAW 264.7

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  75. Cytochrome P450 (Cyp) Epoxygenases as Potential Targets in the Management of Impaired Diabetic Wound Healing 

  76. A High-Fat, High-Protein Diet Attenuates the Negative Impact of Casein-Induced Chronic Inflammation on Testicular Steroidogenesis and Sperm Parameters in Adult Mice 

  77. Ginsenoside Rg1 Attenuates the Inflammatory Response in Dss-Induced Mice Colitis 

  78. Use of Immune Modulation by Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Treat Experimental Arthritis in Mice 

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